Fly away with me over the stark moon

Fae folk play on silver spoons

Fly away with me

Over the stark moon,

Far beyond the

Darkening trees

Where wee fae lark

Playing tunes on

Silver spoons:

Whilst three cloaked

Folk cast runes.

amber eyes stray2014-10-30 11.44.54-1_2

“Don’t stray

Where amber eyes



There in the shadows

Crones moan and cackle

And bones rattle

Below in the gallows.

mermaids shake

In the shallows.

2014-10-30 11.36.16-1_1

Weird sallow worms

Wake as the cauldron


Feared fakes



Spit and bake.

Dailypost photo challenge: cover art-The memory of trees

the memory of trees

This week’s daily post photo challenge has Iinspired me to think of a favourite album and to create my own cover art. My choice of album is Enya’s ‘The memory of trees’.  If you don’t know it I can thoroughly recommend Enya’s effortlessly relaxing music. I often play ‘The Memory of trees’ when I’m practising daily yoga, meditating, writing or just enjoying relaxing. I enhanced my shot with ‘Pics art’ editing tools to hopefully give that dreamy quality and remind me of autumn. I hope you like it. Below is the link to many more entries.

<a href=”http://daily post.wordpress. com/dp_photo_challenge/cover-art/”> coverart </a>

<a href=” coverart ” title=”Daily post photo challenge: cover art”>

Share your world: musings

blow away the cobwebs2

What is your favourite time of day?
I love to walk through the meadow on a bright early morning because I feel it is such a special and magical time to experience nature. The delicate intoxication of wild honeysuckle rambling through a hedgerow, a skylark diving or the delicate autumnal jewels dangling on hogweed cobwebs enrich my world.
Sunsets are special too. As the rippling silken sky succumbs to darkness my musings begin.


How do you spend a rainy day?
Rainy days still have their fascination. Out come the wellies and waterproofs and off we go to watch the inky clouds rumble, clash and spit spreading like the inkblot I love to analyse and use as a prompt to a poem or a character in a story. Later after hot tea and toast I seek solace in an old secondhand paperback.
When writing by hand do you prefer to use a pen or pencil?
I like to use a good roller ball pen or drawing pen because the writing flows effortlessly.
Bonus question. What are you grateful for from last week and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?
I am eternally grateful for my dog walker who has walked my dogs when my back was very sore. This week I am looking forward to feeling better and enjoying this extraordinary mild sunny autumn.;

Cee’s fun foto challenge: the colour green-autumnal green medley

Grapproaching thunderstorm

This photo challenge gave me the opportunity to focus on a photographic autumnal medley of shots taken on my recent walks as summer faded and the moist musty mornings came in abundance, with jewelled spider webs and bright fruits dangling with illuminated raindrops.

I hope you enjoy my medley. Spot a little friend working hard on a ‘summery’ day.


colour green medley

A word a week photo challenge: recline-reclining cat.

reclining cat

I couldn’t resist this shot of the cat reclining on the balcony, enjoying the sunshine. We were walking our dogs along the Grand Union canal at Berkhamstead, a lovely English town full of interesting shops, architecture, history and a canal and railway going through it.

Thanks to Sue Llewellyn for inspiring me with her word a week photo challenge.

Weekly photo challenge: refraction-autumnal refractions

autumnal seeds-refraction
After heavy rainfall, stalking a shot, I found myself in the protection of this great tree, where light refraction was magically happening as the autumn sunshine filtered through the canopy.So beautiful.
Go to the Daily Post Weekly challenge page to join in or to read more like this one.;

Serendipitous yellow

serendipitous yellow trfoils

For miles

The meadows are frayed and


Like antique millinery and worn

Linen upholstered chairs.

Tearing through mournful layers


Yellow, playful


Trefoils romp

In the pasture,



As an Oxeye daisy

Lazily looks on.

This post was prompted by Cee’s  fun foto challenge ‘yellow’. I hope you enjoy it. You can see more entries by clicking on the link below.

Autumnal dream

 popping poppies 20141002_121016_1 20141002_121047_1

Autumnal dream:
Salted toffee breeze
Weaves and leans
Over a sea of
Puff candy
Popping their seams.
Recently I had a whole day to totally immerse myself in my favourite art of painterly printmaking. Here are two drypoint etching and monoprints,designed and hand pulled myself in the delightful studio of Susan Erskine-Jones nestling in a Chiltern hills village. It was a beautiful day where many stories were shared as we made our plates, pulled prints and sipped fresh coffee!