Cherishing our summer dreams

When grey rainy days

Seem endless, we mourn

From dawn;

Lingering on lush chamomile edged lawns,

On well worn comfy chairs

Making endless dainty daisy chains,

Retiring to take tea in the  tent before feeling faint.

Warm bread slices spread with butter,

Hearts a flutter;

Ripe strawberries gushing with cream!

Forever cherishing our summer dreams.

Have a lovely week everyone.  🙂



Yesterday we had a gorgeous walk in Ampthill Great Park. It felt chilly and I wondered if it would rain, however after a while the sky looked an entcing intense blue, reminiscent of hot July days and my poem was born as we walked!

There are still plenty of brambles ripe and dripping from the hedgerows, the haws are blood red and sloes are growing plumper! I’ve seen a few butterflies and bees, sounding more anxious in their work, before the days get cooler. In the Park are lots of Sweet Chestnut trees, ripe with their spiky balls dangling down. The crab apple trees look the best so I think I’ll be back for more foraging!

Rhapsodic Roses

Rhapsodic roses

Tumbling from pergolas

Showering our senses with

Aromatic essences;

Dreamy marshmallow,

Teeny fairy dancers,

Sprinkles of sherbet,

So tangy with a hint of lemon curd;

Silky peach petals so delightful, 

Fluttering in buttery summer light.