Tranquility among the grasses


Bashfully passing through
Languishing grasses,
As peeping, floppy poppies
Leap and dive like dashing
Flamenco dancers.

Love in the mist


Nigella waits wistfully for their
Lover’s tryst,  sky blue eyes
Filled with tears.
Suddenly she sees him gallantly
Galloping and cloaked in sapphire sateen;
Her fears abating,
He appears out of the mist.

I adore the beautiful Nigella or the popular name for the flower ‘Love in the mist’. The flower not only inspired my photograph and my poem but also a simple potato print fabric design. I loved mixing ultramarine full bodied acrylic with white and fabric medium together to create a fresh ‘Love in the mist blue’. Potatoes aren’t the easiest veg to carve so I chose a primitive flower shape to give the essence of my Nigella. I printed it freehand on cotton fnabric and let it dry in the sun. It was just a test piece but great fun to do! I hope you like it. 🙂




Reviving rain


Rain revives waning blossom,
A faded, aged May Queen’s trane.
Tuneful, cooling teeny tears
Fall from scented ‘ears’,
Dissolving fears;
Blessing those who choose
To be the poet’s muse
And walk along the enchanted lane.

Yesterday,we waited forever for the torrential rain to ease so that we could